Well, that was weird.


I’m pretty sure this is going to be my ‘what did I just read?!’ book of the year! It was interesting but…bizarre. I love James May, but I have to wonder what he was thinking writing this!

The detail it goes into…I don’t suggest this as reading material on a plane, it may make the crew nervous because they may think you’re going to hijack the plane and land it on the Isle of Wight to lead a take over. And if that doesn’t go to plan, and you crash in the mountains and run out of food, you’ll be able to cook up your fellow passengers so you yourself and other survivors won’t starve.

Yes, there is a chapter titled ‘How to Prepare and Eat Your Best Mate.’ I didn’t know that either when I bought the book. Oh, James, seriously…what the heck were you thinking?

I wonder if they had a copy of this book at Terminus….hmmm…